

3 essentials for summer. Because summer is just a bit more fun, flawless & chic with these around. 

1. The right white. Because crispy white is flawless, elegant and chic - and it makes your suntouched skin come out just that little bit better. My white pieces of obsession can be found above. 

2. The right sandals. And this is a though cookie, because every summer sandals come back in (too) many shapes and sizes, and not all of them will get you through the season. Yours truly will preferably go for flat minimal leather - flat because summer needs to be as comfortable as possible, minimal because it combines so effortless, leather because I'd like a pair that will serve me well for quite a while. Current considerations found above. 

3. The right bag. And with right, I mean a bag that both suits ones' style and the variety of events that summer brings forward. How many times didn't I end up with my 'day to day casual bag' on a more fancy event, because I didn't bother to go home and change when I also could enjoy the sun? Definitely looking for something minimal that fits many occasions and allows to me to drag with me my stuff at the same time - like the bags above. 

What are your essentials for summer 2014?


  1. Lovely post! My essentials for the summer are for sure shorts and sandals.

    Head Enough

  2. i love the top left black bag! i'm giving away an Eric Javits handbag, it's a pretty coral colored, cross body. perfect for spring! XO


  3. Lovely blog I like your sense of style!
    Please check out my blog too <3
    I would be happy if you agree to follow each other?
    Fashion and the City
    Let me know xoxo

  4. loving the all white palette and the colored slides!


  5. Definitely love this post :) well done girl!!!


  6. LOVE IT ! and your blog xx



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